Saturday, February 2, 2013

What are your fitness goals, and what are you willing to do to achieve them?

The easiest thing in the world is finding excuses.  My challenge for you is to find the excuse for why you should be in the best shape in your life.  I want you to be motivated and driven towards the goal of bettering yourself on an extremely personal level.  This is not about you reaching your goals to impress anyone.  It is only about making sure you are in the shape that you deserve to be in.  This is solely for yourself and your own wellbeing.  Your first step is setting a fitness goal for yourself.  Without a goal, there is no direction, so progress cannot be monitored.  I implore you to set a realistic goal for a realistic time frame.  Fitness is all about the small wins.  Finishing that last rep.  Running the extra mile.  Motivating yourself to work out after a long, stressful day at work.  These small wins add up and result in a better you.  I challenge you to take the first step.  Write down a realistic goal for yourself.  Put some serious thought into what this goal will be.  I want it to be a goal that you can accomplish in a 3 month period.  Whether it is the ability to run 3 miles without stopping, or do 50 pullups in a row, I want you to have a goal to work towards.  The last thing you should do is make a goal that is focused around the number you see when you step on a scale.  That number is a function of the gravitational pull of the Earth.  That number does not define your level of fitness, nor does it describe you as a person.  If you can achieve a written goal, I promise you will feel infinitely better about yourself than if you lost 5 or 10 pounds.  Take the first step.  Though the first step is sometimes the hardest, each subsequent step gets easier as you get better.  Keep your head up!

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